Monday, January 17, 2011

Mark's letter

6:30 am

My darling Sam,
How can mere words express how important you are to me? You are my whole world, my life, my everything. Without you, my world would be dark and dreary, because my sunshine would be up in heaven. I don't see how I'd live lone after you leave.

When you first came to the pack, I'll admit I wasn't too sure why Kat had brought you home. I felt like our family was whole enough. But I admit you grew on me when I saw how you interacted with the rest, how easily you fit in, how you helped out and brought Rey out of his funk. You brought peace to the pack. Well, except for Matt, but he's the lone rotten egg in our pack.

I hate when you block me out when you're deep in the depression, and feeling like taking yourself out of our lives is the only thing you can do... I hate that I can't comfort you, reassure you that you're important to us all. I know I wouldn't be able to let you go if you died, especially if you left thinking it was the only way to protect us from yourself.

Guess what I'm trying to say is to trust me to help you through when you feel the suicidal thoughts welling up... Let me help you squash them. Let me love you for you.

Love forever and always,

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