Thursday, May 31, 2012


My dearest Mark,

I miss you by my side. I miss our bond. I wish it would come back already. We can make love as many times as we want, but it won't bring it back.
Maybe it's just me saying "It's not coming back". Maybe it's the negative energy. I don't know.

But I do know that I miss you. I didn't even wanna get out of bed this morning. I'm used to you shoving me out of bed, or getting frisky with me. Or having shower sex. Or you just in the bathroom to keep me company. You know I love you.

If this is a test, I hate it. I want the answer sheet so I can cheat. (Then maybe you could punish me :P *)

What if it never comes back? I'm keeping positive... But that question keeps floating in my mind.


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